Is It Safe for Baby to Around Polyurethane Fumes

The installation of your new wood floors is in progress, and yous could not be more excited. Finally, yous are irresolute out your worn floors for beautiful woods floors with a natural wait that makes your habitation experience warm and inviting, just equally y'all had wanted it to look for so long. However, as the installation continues and progresses the smells swirling inside of your home are intensifying and resulting in a painstaking smell that has left you with the worst feeling – a headache, coughing, and even shortness of breath. Why is this olfactory property being produced in your dwelling house and what is the deal with these symptoms you are currently experiencing?

New woods floors incorporate a mix of ingredients and components that are used on the material to requite it a vibrant await, help maintain its quality, and fifty-fifty material that helps lay the floor during the installation procedure. These ingredients are chemicals that can become released into the indoor environment where the flooring has been placed and create a potentially toxic surround to indoor air quality and even the health of the occupants of the home. Amid the different chemicals that are commonly used in new wood flooring, polyurethane is one that is both used regularly and tin produce an amalgam of toxic compounds into the air that can be extremely toxic when released in fumes into the indoor air.

In this article, we are going to talk over the dangers of polyurethane fumes when installing new wood floors in a home and the dissimilar methods to employ in a home to remove these harmful chemical fumes from the indoor air.

What is Polyurethane

Wood products institute in a home like woods cabinets, wood tables, wood chairs, and even wood floors all need some kind of finish to deed as protection to the material from the different elements that can taint the material over time. Additionally, coating these forest materials provides a clear end that makes the wood look rich and vibrant – protecting it from knocks, scrapes, and weathering. The coating that these pieces of furniture and wood items become applied to the surface of the wood is a varnish such as polyurethane that is formulated then that its microscopic chains of resin molecules bond tightly with i another as it dries.

Polyurethane is a super-tough varnish that is applied equally a finish to wood floors and other forest materials, this finish is more resistant to water, solvents, abrasions, and impacts than traditional varnishes. This chemical terminate is made up of urethane polymers, chemic solvents, and curing agents that are used and produced as fumes into the indoor environment afterwards installation – nosotros will take more than about polyurethane fumes harmful furnishings.

What is Polyurethane

Types of Polyurethane

The polyurethane finishes that are used on new wood floor come in a variety of types and sheens that can be selected from when installing the new flooring in a habitation. The different types of polyurethane that can be used on different wood materials institute in a home tin create certain conditions in the home that tin exist toxic to those exposed to this chemical polyurethane. The two types of polyurethane include water-based and oil-based or solvent-based.

  • Water-Based Polyurethane: H2o-based polyurethane is less durable than oil-based polyurethane but is commonly preferred considering it is odorless. When applying this type of polyurethane in a domicile it volition not crave a pregnant corporeality of ventilation, as it dries quickly and cleans up with water, and remains colorless. Compared to oil-based polyurethane, water-based is more expensive.
  • Oil-Based or Solvent-Based Polyurethane: Oil-based polyurethane contains chemicals in its composition that will require a well-ventilated area when they are applied. A popular oil-based polyurethane finish is polyurethane varnish that is more durable and protective because it is more than resistant to moisture, heat, or solvents than other varnishes. This type of finish goes on clear merely over time it can turn into amber or yellowish color on the surface.

Polyurethane Terminate Types

When it comes to the unlike types of polyurethane stop sheens, they all volition work and expect differently on woods flooring. The iii sheens include high gloss, semi-gloss, and fast-drying sheen.

Loftier gloss polyurethane is an exterior/interior sheen that is a tough, flexible sheen. This high-performance, the heavy-duty sheen is a 2-component finish that will dry to be a very shiny surface. High-gloss polyurethane is typically used in industrial environments and is recommended for roofing prepared metallic similar iron and steel.

Semi-gloss polyurethane dries to a sheen that is a cross between gloss and flat. This is typically constitute on woodwork, furniture, doors, floors, and cabinets and is practical using either a bristle or foam brush.

Fast-drying types are quick-drying polyurethane that dries within 24 hours after application. This type of polyurethane sheen gives the woods a more subtle gloss while offering shine and a picayune additional color.

Polyurethane Finish Types

Is Polyurethane Safe

Polyurethane is bachelor in many different forms, giving this varnish versatility allowing it to be used for a plethora of applications on materials. This varnish lasts for a long time and is i of the most common materials used for insulation and wood coatings including on forest floors. Polyurethane contains isocyanates, a compound that can potentially damage your lungs upon exposure through inhalation or ingestion. Isocyanates are the raw materials that make upwards all polyurethane products, notwithstanding, this chemic is a classified carcinogen that volition cause irritation of skin and mucus membranes, chest tightness, and difficulty breathing.

Along with isocyanates, other harmful toxins such equally VOCs reside inside the polyurethane used on wood floor that will get airborne into the environment and trigger health bug in this area. VOCs (Volatile Organic Compounds) evaporate into the air when the finishing production is wet and as information technology cures within of the indoor space – these VOCs can include xylene, ethylbenzene, and acetates. As these VOCs become airborne the process of off gassing begins in the environment for an undetermined corporeality of time, which will impact air quality and the wellness of those exposed to these off gassed VOCs.

How Long Does Polyurethane Off Gas

Every bit we discussed earlier, there are different types of polyurethane varnishes that can be used on hardwood flooring in a home – some of which will contain a potent odour and others that volition be seemingly odorless. The blazon of polyurethane that is used can play a major role in the length and severity of off-gassing that occurs from new woods floors that are installed in a home. The VOC off-gassing will begin immediately upon installation of the floor and will steadily exist emitted into the air every bit the floor dries.

How to speed up off-gassing? The length of time that the polyurethane will off gas in a home can vary depending on the amount of flooring laid, the atmospheric condition present in the domicile (ventilation, airflow, temperature, humidity, etc.), and the amount of polyurethane applied to the flooring prior to installation. According to the U.S. Light-green Building Council, they plant that oil-based finishes can off gas for months or even years after installation or application, whereas lower VOC water-based products will likely finish off-gassing inside a few days of installation/application.

How Long Does Polyurethane Off Gas

Allergy to Polyurethane

When harsh chemicals are applied to or make contact with the skin, there is a potential for an allergic reaction to strive that will result in allergic-type symptoms throughout the body including a rash, hives, itchy pare, and fifty-fifty abrasions on the peel. It is not surprising to learn that nearly every day we are exposed to chemicals in a variety of methods such as through habiliment that has laundry detergent chemicals on the material, inhaling paint fumes from a newly painted wall, or even walking barefoot on new wood floor that contains polyurethane or other chemicals tin can introduce the human body to an array of health effects that will starting time from this chemic exposure.

At that place take been known cases of contact dermatitis, almost notably in children that have come into contact with polyurethane, specifically a case where a child was present to polyurethane on an iPad cover. The number of reported cases of contact dermatitis from polyurethane has been increasing because of increased exposure from a multitude of items that use this chemic.

Polyurethane Allergy Symptoms

An allergic reaction to polyurethane volition ignite a bout of health symptoms in those who are exposed to this chemical agent in wood floor, especially if the new wood floors are off gassing polyurethane into the air. Polyurethane products provide a list of potential health effects that will arm-twist symptoms in the human body.

The symptoms from a polyurethane allergy tin include the following:

  • Irritation to the eyes, nose and throat
  • Skin irritation
  • Itchy skin
  • Difficulty animate
  • Rash or hives

How to Remove Polyurethane from Wood

What tin can you practise after a new woods floor has been placed in your home that is emitting a strong-chemical olfactory property of polyurethane into your dwelling house'due south air? When polyurethane fumes are emitted from wood inside of the house information technology can lead to health bug and air quality issues within this indoor environment – and to rectify this substantial trouble volition be hard once new flooring has been laid that is the culprit in the area. Cleaning the surfaces that accept been contaminated past polyurethane is a challenging thing to accomplish, especially removing the chemicals from the flooring completely.

There are products out there today that volition aid in the removal of chemicals from surfaces including polyurethane. The EnviroKlenz Everyday Smell Eliminator is specifically formulated to provide maximum neutralization and smell extractions past capturing, destroying, and eliminating offending odor sources safely and effectively. This product can be easily applied to forest flooring diluted using a sponge or a mop.

How to Get Rid of Polyurethane Odor in Home

If the fumes produced from polyurethane have steadily increased inside of a dwelling, producing that distinct polyurethane olfactory property in the air, it will be necessary to accept action to completely remove these odors from the environment. First, after wood floors have been installed inside an indoor surround, it will be helpful to open up windows to increment airflow and allow stale, contaminated air to exit the home into the outside air. The outdoor air will help to speed up the dissipation of the polyurethane that is beingness released into the air of the home.

Additionally, the use of an air purifier will significantly help to speed upward the off gassing and remove the smell of the polyurethane being released from the new wood floors. The EnviroKlenz Air Purifier is your solution to removing a broad array of airborne pollutants from the air through the use of proprietary globe mineral technology. The EnviroKlenz engineering destroys many chemicals past a combination of both physical and chemisorption machinery. This proprietary globe mineral applied science is used within the EnviroKlenz Air Cartridge that acts as the outset stage filtration in the air purifier, to remove a broad array of chemicals and baneful odors from the air. The 2nd stage filtration is a infirmary-course HEPA filter that is capable of removing particulate matter at a 99.99 percentage efficiency.

As the EnviroKlenz Air Purifier is placed inside of an indoor environment where moderate to loftier levels of polyurethane is present, the air purifier volition collect the indoor air and pass it through the ii-stage filtration to aid in the neutralization and breaking downwards of the odorous chemical compounds in the air.

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"Any information that is provided on this website is not for the use past any commercial or personal entity without expressed written consent of the blog author. The material and statements illustrated within this web log are not intended to diagnose, care for, cure, or forbid any diseases or medical conditions. Nor does the author in any way guarantee or validate the validity, totality, or efficacy of whatever claims and will therefore not be held responsible for the content of any claims. Always consult your medical doctor for whatever specific medical advice or recommendations."


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